Transforming Programme WP11 - D – New prodution technologies and use of advanced materials

Transforming Programme WP11 - D – New prodution technologies and use of advanced materials


Autonomization of the production processes of composite components/structures focusing on defect-free manufacturing

Coordinators: INEGI

4 Partners
2 New Production Technologies
1 Industrial pilots


SmaRTM encompasses the development and demonstration of a decision support system, which integrates various digital technologies, to autonomize production processes for composite components/structures.

This system should be able to monitor the performance of a production system in real time and adapt and optimize it autonomously in real time. The focus will be on defect-free production in composite materials manufacturing processes, as this is a booming industrial sector with an impact on the automotive, aeronautics, shipbuilding and renewable energy sectors, where the waste generated by defects has a major impact on production efficiency and the generation of non-recyclable waste.

The specific process under analysis will be RTM (Resin Transfer Moulding), which is an evolution of typical plastic injection processes with the inclusion of a carbon or glass fiber reinforcement to radically improve the mechanical properties of the parts produced. A wide variety of sensors and actuators will be introduced for real-time monitoring and control of the process, computational and artificial intelligence capabilities for self-regulation and optimization of the process and communication capabilities for remote monitoring and control of the equipment, for communication with the rest of the production infrastructure. The digitalization strategy to be developed and demonstrated will make production equipment autonomous and capable of self-management and self-tuning.

With this transformative project, it will be possible to technologically upgrade the systems and tools for manufacturing components and structures of different sizes and high added value, based on reinforced polymer matrix composites, with a view to reducing production costs and waste of this type of material (low recyclability and high environmental impact). 

New Production Technologies (PPS) - WP11
PPS – Product, Process and Services


Decision support system for composite manufacturing process RTM (SmaRTM-DSS)


Tricad; Distrim2

Industrial pilots


Other partners



Integrated monitoring and control system for RTM manufacturing process.


Tricad; Distrim2

Industrial pilots


Other partners