
This program aims to create the basic conditions for the Qualification of the Production Technologies Sector (PTS) for Resilience, growth, and Innovation. Generating "public goods and synergies, this program consistently complements the other Innovation Pact activities, extending the intervention to the national PTS (Production Technologies Sector), leveraging its transformation, and inducing replication effects.


(i) Strengthen the intelligence function for the Production Technologies Sector;

(ii) The definition of an Innovation Agency for the Production Technologies Sector;

(iii) Developing an Investment and Financing Plan for the smart, sustainable, and resilient growth of the PTS;

(iv) The dynamization of participation in networks, R&D +I initiatives and International Think Tanks, coordinating players and promoting the wide dissemination and disclosure of the programme's results, ensuring access, involvement and participation by all FTP stakeholders and thus creating mechanisms for effectively changing the specialization profile of the national industry."