
This program is aimed at promoting internationalization, with a view to encouraging greater exposure of the companies in the consortium and of the entire Production Technologies Sector to international value chains and to increasing exports from the sector in high added-value market niches with high grow potential and/or of relevant size.


(i) To promote the integration of the consortium's companies into international value chains, boosting the consolidation of their position in the markets and their entry into high value-added niches, through internationalization projects that promote the effective realization of the economic value of the developments of the PRODUTECH R3 Innovation Pact, based on high TRLs (Technology Readiness Level), up to their external commercialization.

(ii) In view of the market penetration objectives identified, strengthen External Visibility and Internationalization actions, expanding and exploiting synergies with the developments of the Innovation Pact, capitalizing on them to promote the sector, its image and reputation, promoting strategic information and surveillance activities (generating "public goods" to be widely disseminated by the national sector), campaigns and prospective market actions.

(iii) Induce replication effects for all companies in the National Production Technologies sector, through joint actions to approach markets, in line with the goal of strengthening the sector's export position and changing the specialization profile of national industry.