
This program aims to provide an integrated and consistent response to the challenge of raising awareness and training entrepreneurs and managers, as well as attracting, integrating and training human resources with a high technological profile for the challenges facing the industry, particularly in terms of digitalization and its sustainability, and also with regard to the capacity of development and appropriation of collaborative innovation dynamics.


(i) To train the human resources of the companies that make up the consortium;

(ii) To identify and promote relevant skills in the development of innovative and technologically advanced solutions for companies in the Production Technology Sector (PTS). For companies using production technologies, the focus will be on the adoption and exploitation of these solutions.

(iii) Provide companies with skills and tools for managing collaborative innovation, enabling them to actively and profitably participate in large-scale collaborative initiatives, ensuring the adoption and appropriation of R&D and innovation results.

(iv) Promote the attractiveness of PTS, namely through collective actions aimed at raising awareness among young technicians, recent graduates, masters or doctors, and attracting talent in the fields of technological sciences, engineering, mathematics, management, etc.

(v) Developing professional profiles, training benchmarks in advanced production technologies for FTP and user sectors, a dynamic system for diagnosing training needs and implementing competency benchmarks in the same field, as well as support in drawing up training plans and monitoring their implementation in companies.

(vi) Extend this training to companies outside the consortium, extending the replication effects to the sector and the industry.