
WP2 - Design.2.Transform partners received SISTRADE PLM Software Training

WP2 - Design.2.Transform partners received SISTRADE PLM Software Training

The PLM SISTRADE training course for WP2 - Design2Transform partners was held at INEGI's facilities on 25 January.

On 25 January, in the context of the PRODUTECH R3 project, WP2-Design2Transform - Digital Solutions for Life Cycle Management and Sustainable & Circular Product Development, the first SISTRADE PLM Software Training took place at INEGI's facilities.

This training, given by SISTRADE, was attended by the software's demonstrators, CEI, Desafios em Sintonia and JPM, as well as the R&D and Innovation organisations INEGI, INESC TEC, IST and CATIM, with a total of 21 participants, both in person and online. The training agenda included a theoretical presentation of the PLM tool and the TAIGA tool for centralising information by INESC TEC, followed by a presentation of the PLM software and its modules by SISTRADE.

The training also included the application of a practical case to test the different modules of the software, resulting in substantial progress in the project and a very productive exchange of ideas between the various organisations involved.

This face-to-face activity was very relevant to this project, as it allowed the demonstrators to explore the tool and clarify doubts with the software developer. This exchange of ideas and information allowed SISTRADE to identify topics for improvement in order to make the tool user-friendly. Having completed the training, the demonstrators now have to apply PLM in the development of their products, with the expectation of active interaction between demonstrators and SISTRADE through the TAIGA tool.

More information about the WP2 – Design2Transform.

The PRODUTECH R3 project - Agenda Mobilizadora da Fileira das Tecnologias de Produção para a Reindustrialização, is funded by the European Union under the NextGeneration EU programme through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM) and the Recovery and Resilience Plan (