
WP15 partners - Workshop for PPS80 demonstrators on PDCA 4.0 software logic

WP15 partners - Workshop for PPS80 demonstrators on PDCA 4.0 software logic

WP 15 Partners – Demonstrators receive Workshops promoted by Erising, as a way of preparing for the implementation of the PDCA4.0 software.

#Construir o Futuro

Since the end of February, the Lean and Continuous Improvement Workshops: Basic concept for PDCA 4.0 have been taking place at the facilities of the demonstrating companies (MCG, GLN and Colep Packaging).

This action is framed within the scope of PPS80, in which the PDCA 4.0 software, with its potential to support companies in the continuous improvement strategy and PDCA project management – problem solving, will have a significant role.

The Workshop was aimed separately at each of the demonstrators, and was structured to take place in 3 sessions. At MCG it took place on 27/02, 12/03 and 05/04. At GLN, the first two sessions were held on 06/03 and 23/03 and at Colep Packaging, the 1ª session was held on 22/03. The next remaining sessions will take place between April and the beginning of May.

The objective is to present the concepts of Lean and Continuous Improvement and use daily factory challenges brought by the participants, applying problem-solving frameworks with a focus on the use of the PDCA cycle, the base concept used in the software. Erising was motivated to organize these Workshops in order to help companies prepare in advance. The demonstrations should take place throughout 2024, at different times for each company, and by making these workshops available even before the software is available, it contributes to the timely adaptation of the logic. After implementation, it is expected that the time between understanding and full use of the software’s capabilities can be reduced, making the software bring satisfactory results to demonstrators more quickly.

The action is being relevant, as it has allowed Erising to share with the demonstrators concepts of Lean and Continuous Improvement that guarantee operational excellence in daily activities. For the next phase, which is the demonstration, the companies are expected to give feedback and interact with the organisations involved in the development of PDCA 4.0 (IST, Erising and Vanguarda) through the TAIGA tool, with a focus on the continuous improvement of the software.