
WP13 - ADVANCE4i partners from the PRODUTECH R3 Agenda Mobilizadora visit IDEPA demonstrator

WP13 - ADVANCE4i partners from the PRODUTECH R3 Agenda Mobilizadora visit IDEPA demonstrator

On 17th November, the partners of WP13 - ADVANCE4i visited the IDEPA demonstrator.

On 17 November, a delegation made up of members of SISTRADE, INEGI and FEUP visited the facilities of IDEPA - INDÚSTRIA DE PASSAMANARIAS, in São João da Madeira, which will be one of the demonstrators of the ADVANCE4i project - Advanced industrial sustainability by improving energy efficiency and the use of productive resources (WP13).

The first objective of the visit was to observe the facilities on site, study the manufacturing process live and monitor the installation/operation of equipment purchased under the project. The second objective was to collect data and information that would enable a more detailed study and analysis of the project's implementations, particularly with regard to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability, Predictive Maintenance to improve equipment availability and efficiency and the IoT Platform.

More information about the WP13 – ADVANCED4i Transformation project

The PRODUTECH R3 project - Agenda Mobilizadora da Fileira das Tecnologias de Produção para a Reindustrialização, is funded by the European Union under the NextGeneration EU programme through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM) and the Recovery and Resilience Plan (