Internationalization Plan foreseen under the PRODUTECH R3 Agenda

Presentation session of the Internationalization Actions under the PRODUTECH R3 Mobilizing Agenda
On September 19th, a session was held to present the Internationalization Actions planned for 2024/2025 under the Internationalization Plan provided for under the PRODUTECH R3 Agenda.
In a hybrid meeting that had dozens of participants, Pedro Bravo then presented a complete plan, aimed both at consolidating the positioning of the cluster of production technologies in existing markets, and at entering new markets that are very appealing to this sector.
It is a set of actions ranging from a set of major international events, to reverse missions of main players, business missions, promotional events, workshops and conferences.
Eleven collective participations are even planned in prestigious fairs in France, Germany, Spain and the United Kingdom.
A visual identity for the PRODUTECH R3 Agenda and for the cluster of production technologies was also presented, which will be used for the first time at MOTEK in October 2024.