
Tech4Decarb – Technological Solutions for the Decarbonization of the Manufacturing Industry

Tech4Decarb – Technological Solutions for the Decarbonization of the Manufacturing Industry

WP 14, entitled Tech4Decarb, aims to accelerate the decarbonisation and energy self-sufficiency of industrial processes by introducing and reinforcing the use of renewable energy and developing mechanisms that enable a more efficient and balanced use of energy resources, in line with the strategy described in the Portuguese recovery and resilience plan and with the strategies and ambitious targets outlined in the National Energy and Climate Plan (PNEC2030) and the Carbon Neutrality Roadmap (RNC2050). 

WP 14 is made up of 8 PPSs and comprises 3 production technology suppliers (JointSteel, OnControl, Positive Benefits), 3 demonstrators (COLEP Packaging, Silampos, Dimas e Silva) and 5 ENESII (INEGI, ISQ, CATIM, INL, CTCOR). The organisations involved are committed to developing solutions that accelerate a sustainable energy transition in the cork and metalworking sectors. The main objective of PPS68 is to guide the industry towards decarbonisation.

CTCOR and CATIM carried out surveys to obtain a comprehensive characterisation of the sectors. INEGI is currently coordinating case studies with representative companies, with a focus on defining energy efficiency measures. A review of innovative energy technologies is being prepared and, finally, roadmaps for decarbonising the sectors will be produced. As part of this PPS, INEGI is conducting a life cycle assessment study for COLEP PK.

After defining the scenarios, the quantification of the reduction in emissions with the introduction of green hydrogen and the interpretation of the impact this measure has on the demonstrator's reality are being finalised. Within the scope of PPS 69 and PPS 70, tools are being developed to include the energy efficiency component in decision-making and industrial operational management.

INEGI and ISQ are in the process of finalising the algorithms for operational management, solar thermal integration and energy integration, using the Pinch methodology. With the support of OnControl, the software developer, the tools will be validated in the 3 demonstrators. PPS 71 has two areas: retrofitting burners and adapting gas networks/lines for the introduction of H2. CFD simulations carried out by INEGI have made it possible to interpret the firing system currently installed at COLEP PK and predict the changes needed to introduce H2. Experimental tests with CATIM will validate the CFD model. ISQ's contribution focuses on analysing the natural gas network of a gas line at COLEP PK, for conversion to blending. At the same time, INEGI and ISQ are developing a methodological guide.

PPS 72 is based on the development of solutions for the recovery, storage and integration of residual thermal energy, designed for COLEP PK and being implemented by INEGI, ISQ and Jointsteel. In order to broaden the scope of this PPS, a software to support the decision is being developed for the selection of thermal energy storage material. PPS 73, led by INL, aims to develop sensor solutions for characterising gaseous effluents, which will be demonstrated at Dimas & Silva, and characterising natural gas/hydrogen mixtures, with a demonstration at COLEP PK. CATIM, INEGI, ISQ and CTCOR have provided support in defining the concept of the sensor systems, characterising the sensors and implementing them in the demonstrators.

PPS 74, under the leadership of Positive Benefits, involves the development of industrial effluent treatment solutions to supply water to green hydrogen production plants. The treatment system for producing high purity water for H2 production by electrolysis was designed for COLEP PK. The other partners have been contributing their specific know-how to a guide to efficient water reuse practices in industry.

In addition, a modular platform for industrial wastewater treatment is at the concept definition stage. PPS 75 focuses on the development of an IT platform for the promotion, commercialisation and services associated with the use of biomass as a carbon-neutral fuel. OnControl is making contact with other partners and organisations outside the consortium that can share more input on the platform. Contact with these organisations is also aimed at triggering their future participation in the platform, as customers or suppliers of biomass.