
PRODUTECH R3 took part in the Coimbra University Job Fair

PRODUTECH R3 took part in the Coimbra University Job Fair

On 24 and 25 November PRODUTECH R3 was represented at the University of Coimbra's job fair, which took place at Coimbra's University Stadium.

As part of the PRODUTECH R3 Mobilising Agenda, supported by the RRp (reindustrialisation axis), the project took part on 24 and 25 November in the UC & AAC 2023 Job Fair, which was held at the Coimbra University Stadium.

This participation, which aims to help achieve the goal of disseminating and attracting talent to the Production Technologies sector, naturally has the support of AIMMAP and CENFIM, the coordinators of the Training and Professional Training Programme in Innovative Production Technologies under Agenda PRODUTECH R3. Four of the project's partner companies also took part: CHETO, Bio4Plas, BRESIMAR and FLOWBOTIC.


The PRODUTECH R3 project - Agenda Mobilizadora da Fileira das Tecnologias de Produção para a Reindustrialização, is funded by the European Union under the NextGeneration EU programme through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM) and the Recovery and Resilience Plan (