
PRODUTECH R3 organised a conference on "Circularity in Industry - How to reduce waste production" at EMAF fair

PRODUTECH R3 organised a conference on

The Circularity in Industry - How to reduce waste production conference was held on 2 June as part of the PRODUTECH R3 Mobilising Agenda, during EMAF.

The Mobilising Agenda for Production Technologies for Reindustrialisation - PRODUTECH R3, as part of its Capacity Building and Training activities in Production Technologies, AIMMAP and PRODUTECH organised the Circularity in Industry Conference - How to reduce waste production, on the afternoon of June 2, as part of the official agenda of the EMAF - International Fair of Machines, Equipment and Services for Industry.

The event featured presentations by several experienced speakers in these areas, such as Kai Peters [Research and Innovation Adviser VDMA - German Machinery and Plant Manufacturing Association], who spoke about the "Challenges of circularity for industry". José Carlos Caldeira [Economy & Innovation AIMMAP / INESC] spoke about the "Role of the Metallurgical and Metalworking industry in circularity. The (new) materials market".

This was followed by a panel debate moderated by Cláudia Ribeiro [CATIM], with the participation of Raquel Miranda [COLEP Packaging], Carolina Almeida [Extrusal], Viviana Pinto [INEGI] and Vitor Dias [CENFIM].

>> More information about the PRODUTECH R3 project 

The PRODUTECH R3 project - Agenda Mobilizadora da Fileira das Tecnologias de Produção para a Reindustrialização, is funded by the European Union under the NextGeneration EU programme through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM) and the Recovery and Resilience Plan (