
PRODUTECH and AIMMAP visited FABTECH in Chicago

PRODUTECH and AIMMAP visited FABTECH in Chicago

PRODUTECH and AIMMAP visited FABTECH in Chicago, which took place from 11 to 14 September.

In the context of the Workpackage to Support the Internationalisation of Companies in the Production Technology Sector of the Mobilising Agenda of the Production Technology Sector for Reindustrialisation - PRODUTECH R3, led by PRODUTECH and AIMMAP, they visited FABTECH in Chicago between 11 and 14 September.

FABTECH – trade fair for metal processing is one of the most important and influential events in the USA, focused on production and industrial technologies. Known worldwide for its scope, it encompasses all phases and angles of industrial manufacturing, from machinery and equipment to materials and advanced technologies.

The visit to FABTECH enabled them to gain a better understanding of the initiative, and to assess the potential interest in developing future actions related to the fair, aimed at national production technology companies.

It was naturally with great satisfaction that we found some national companies represented there, but we intend to work to help more to participate in the future.

>> Some images from the fair

>> More information about the PRODUTECH R3 project

The PRODUTECH R3 project – Agenda Mobilizadora da Fileira das Tecnologias de Produção para a Reindustrialização, is funded by the European Union under the NextGeneration EU programme through the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP - Project No. C645808870-00000067 - investment project no. 60.