
ICIECE 2024: 18. International Conference on Industrial Ecology and Circular Economy

ICIECE 2024: 18. International Conference on Industrial Ecology and Circular Economy

In July 4th of 2024, an article developed by INEGI was presented in the conference “ICIECE 2024: 18. International Conference on Industrial Ecology and Circular Economy”, located in Prague, Czechia, in online format, by World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET). This article, denominated “Methodology to Assess the Circularity of Industrial Processes”, was written in the scope of WP13 of Produtech R3. The article, written in collaboration with Demoscore and CTIC, presents a new methodology developed by INEGI which builds an index that evaluates how circular the target is and how to improve it. In this case, the target was the industrial process of Demoscore, and together with it, some strategic KPIs were defined. The theme of the article was in accordance with the conference objectives, and it was presented along with themes like health issues and music.

On July 4th 2024, INEGI took participation in the ICIECE 2024 conference, Special Journal Issue 18: International Conference on Industrial Ecology and Circular Economy, of “World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology” (WASET), taking place in Prague, Czechia, in digital format. INEGI’s participation realized as an online presentation of an article written in the scope of WP13 – Advance4i, together with Demoscore and CTIC, discussing about a new methodology to evaluate the circularity of a given target. In this case, the target chosen was the industrial process in the tannery factory of Demoscore, located in Alcanena. This article allowed a close collaboration between INEGI and Demoscore, by defining together a group of strategic KPIs which translate the circularity and sustainability of the factory, arriving at a final index which indicates how far is the company from being completely circular. The presentation was integrated in a group of other thematic articles, englobing circular economy, health and music.