
Conference Circularity in Industry - How to reduce waste production - 2nd June

Conference Circularity in Industry - How to reduce waste production - 2nd June

The Circularity in Industry Conference - How to reduce waste production, in the scope of the PRODUTECH R3 Mobilising Agenda, will take place on June 2nd at EMAF.

Under the Mobilising Agenda of Production Technologies for Reindustrialisation - PRODUTECH R3, AIMMAP and PRODUTECH are organising the Conference Circularity in Industry - How to reduce waste production, on the afternoon of 2nd June, at room B1 of Exponor Congress Centre, integrated in the official agenda of EMAF - International Fair of Machines, Equipment and Services for Industry.

The event will address topics such as: The challenges of circularity for the industry; The role of the Metallurgical and Metalworking industry in circularity. The (new) materials market; Engineering and development for circularity; Production for circularity; Circular strategies for life cycle extension and recycling; The transversal challenges: education and training. EMAF Parallel Activities Programme. EMAF Programa de Atividades Paralelas (exponor.pt)

>> Registering for the event

PRODUTECH will be present, as exhibitor, in the stand GaI5 | G532.

In the PRODUTECH stand, it will be possible to watch demonstrations of solutions in the areas of Robotics and Automation, Collaborative Robotics, Virtual Reality, Digital Twins, among others, as well as the results of innovative projects and cooperation in the scope of production technologies and in particular of the Mobilizer Project PRODUTECH 4S&C.

Important Note: Since access to the seminars and presentations held at the Congress Centre takes place through the EMAF trade fair space, it will be necessary to comply with the access rules established for it. All participants must request the EMAF electronic invitation available at: Invitation Request | EMAF 2023 | Exponor

You can use the Exhibitor Code: #produtech

This invitation is free of charge until 30 May 2023. After that date, the professional ticket will cost 5€ if purchased online. The purchase of a professional ticket at EMAF check-in will cost 10€. The PRODUTECH R3 project - Agenda Mobilizadora da Fileira das Tecnologias de Produção para a Reindustrialização, is funded by the European Union under the NextGeneration EU programme through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM) and the Recovery and Resilience Plan (http://www.recuperarportugal-gov.pt/).
