
ANI - European R&I Programmes, Funding Opportunities

ANI - European R&I Programmes, Funding Opportunities

Webinar on European R&I Programmes and Funding Opportunities with the collaboration of ANI

On October 17th, WP1 in coordination with WP19 promoted the third Thematic Webinar, with the collaboration of ANI: National Innovation Agency.

Rita Silva and Pedro Miranda, from ANI, presented the European R&I Programmes and the dissemination of Funding Opportunities, thus making known initiatives that can leverage the development of companies and organisations in the Production Technologies cluster. This session was held online, within the scope of the PRODUTECH R3 Mobilizing Agenda.

The PRODUTECH R3 project - Mobilizing Agenda for the Production Technologies Sector for Reindustrialization, is funded by the European Union under the NextGeneration EU program through the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP -

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